
1️Not Lifting Weights ?
Lifting weights ensures that your weight-loss is made up of as much BODY-FAT as possible by preserving your muscle.
(It also builds booties, toned arms and backs and other nice things ?)
2️Excessive Focus On Cardio ??‍♀️
There’s nothing wrong with cardio but if it’s taking up most of your training-time – stop. Spend it on lifting weights instead.
3️Doing High-Impact Exercise ?
Jumping, Sprinting etc – these are high-risk exercises. The benefits aren’t worth it – especially when lifting weights has more anyway.
4️Training In The Evening ?
When you’re tired, have family or social stuff on or have to work late – this is how training sessions get missed. Unless it’s impossible – train in the morning and you’ll rarely skip a session again.
5️Using Exercise As A Calorie-Burning Tool ?
Training doesn’t burn as many calories as people think. Start thinking of it as a tool for getting stronger, fitter and to build *some* muscle with instead.
6️Being Inactive When Not Exercising ?
How active you are outside of the 3-5 hours per week when you exercise is FAR MORE significant to your calorie-expenditure. Think of this as your calorie-burning tool instead and get off your butt and walk more!
7️Not Focusing On Recovery ?
Sleep, sufficient protein, hydration, avoiding exhaustion. If you neglect these areas your body won’t reward you with the weight-loss and other results your hard-work in the gym deserves!
8️All Or Nothing/Inconsistency ?
The idea that you have to train your man/lady bits off or not bother is nonsense. It’s also off-putting – being fearful of your workout is not a good recipe for consistency! Make it something that you can genuinely commit to and keep turning up.
9️Not Having A Plan ?
Winging it is better than not doing anything. But having a well-constructed Strength Training Programme is WAY better. It’ll keep you engaged, progressing and produce far greater results.
There’s no avoiding it – if you want to lose weight, no amount of exercise is going to negate over-eating!




If you want:

✅To avoid more mistakes stopping you from the body you want

✅To get the body you want as without giving up the foods you love

✅And have fun doing it


Drop me a message or comment below.