
Remember this before you jump on the scale tomorrow – Binge Eater?

Might be time to throw away the scales…

If you have a tendency to binge eat, throwing away the scales is something I highly recommend. For a while anyway. The scales are a big driver of binge eating

Until you can emotionally detach yourself from the number on the scale, weighing yourself is likely going to cause you to binge eat

When you are emotionally attached and the scales go up, yourself worth drops and you feel like shit. So you binge on your favourite foods

When you are emotionally attached and the scales go down, there’s also a chance that you’ll reward yourself with food. Then you feel guilty and so you think “fuck it” and the binge begins

There are plenty of other ways to track your progress (we’ll talk more about this soon). In the mean time, throw away your scales until you realise the number doesn’t matter

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