
If you’re truly committed to reaching a goal, then consistency (along with a good dose of hard work and patience) is the name of the game. 
You can’t expect to get results by hitting the gym every day and sticking perfectly to a healthy eating plan for one week, only to get off track for the next two. I hate to say, but it just doesn’t work that way. Achieving any goal, is the result of doing the actions necessary to get you there over and over again. 
That’s not to say you have to be perfect. No one has ever achieved success without some missteps along the way. But what separates those who do succeed from those who continue to just talk about it, is that they remain consistent even when they aren’t motivated and regardless of the obstacles they encounter along the way. 
In the case of reaching a fitness goal, if you let one slip up with your nutrition or one missed workout to get you completely off track for days or weeks, then your progress will either be incredibly slow or perhaps non-existent .
But if you can remain consistent by making good choices the majority of the time, you will absolutely get to where you want to be. 
Here are some tips for how to make consistency more achievable. First and foremost, you must eat and exercise in a way that you enjoy. Because if your approach makes you miserable, you won’t stick with it for long. Aside from that, much of it comes down to mindset and how you choose to approach your journey. 
Start slow and don’t completely overhaul your lifestyle all at once. Always plan ahead so you aren’t at the mercy of not having any options. Realize that motivation is fleeting and can’t be relied upon, but that taking action even when you don’t feel like it will give you the motivation to keep pushing.  And most importantly, don’t aim for perfection. Forgive yourself when you do slip up (because you will) then get right back on track.


You got this!