
BUT FIRST… Do you like the doggy in the picture? ??
Here are just some tips to help you get motivated during those low times.⠀
It can be for those times you don’t feel like going to the gym; it may even be for the times you don’t feel like doing anything and just want to lie in your bed all day.⠀
That being said, I personally don’t believe that we should rely on motivation.⠀
Motivation comes and goes. We succeed when we stay consistent with something. If we always rely on motivation, we definitely won’t be able to stay consistent.⠀
We should rely on discipline. Discipline is built over time. The more you stay disciplined, the easier it becomes.⠀
Discipline will get the job done even when you don’t feel like doing it. I’m a very disciplined person but there are times where I’ll use the tips like.
SET THE BAR LOW. start with something super easy.
FIND A BUDDY. Have a friend to work out with or to keep you accountable
MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS. Can be a good source of inspritation.
MAKE IT A GOAL. Make it a goal to do it, not to enjoy it.
PROGRESS PICTURES. There’ll be days you FEEL like its not working, prove yourself wrong with FACTS. ⠀
To build up your discipline, start with something small, like making your bed every morning. Do it everyday and commit to it.⠀
It’s a skill that is transferable to anything.⠀
Which one of these tips have you used before?